Allergy Testing

How to prepare for your Allergy Test

During the time leading up to your allergy test and evaluation, there are several important points to remember. The testing and evaluation process may take up to 60 minutes, but will result in information on which allergens you react to and how these sensitivities or allergies can be managed with avoidance, medication or immunotherapy.

It is very important that you have reviewed this list of medications that are contraindicated or unsafe to take before or during allergy testing. If you are on any of the medications on the list, let our allergy clinician, Deanne, or Dr. Dautremont know ASAP ahead of your scheduled evaluation. 

The testing will involve different panels of skin prick testing (SPT). The allergens panels have been carefully selected based on our common local allergens, such as grass, weed, and tree pollens, as well as animal/insect danders and moulds.

We use SPT method because the mast cells reside in the sub-epithelial layer or the skin, and the wheal (swelling) that shows up as an allergic response is easily seen on the skin. Each panel of allergens are delivered at the same time, with the same amount of pressure and therefore are more accurate then other skin testing methods.

As shown in the photo, the forearm is the area that we will use for the testing. Please let us know ahead of time if this area is obstructed with tattoos, eczema, or any other rash or deformity. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy exposure of this area.

Do not apply steroid medicated lotions to the testing area 21 days prior to your evaluation. In order to insure accurate results, it’s best to avoid lotions or skin treatments that could interfere with the testing results.

Do not partake in any strenuous physical activity immediately before the test. Vigorous physical exercise could potentially increase the risk of an allergic reaction during the testing. It is best to delay exercise until at least 3 hours after your testing.