Skinboosters: Your Newest Skin Care BFFS

Skinboosters: Your Newest Skin Care BFFS

Skinboosters are a cosmetic treatment designed to hydrate, plump, and improve the overall texture of your skin. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that target deeper folds or areas of volume loss, Skinboosters work by injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the skin using fine needles in the targeted areas. The result? Instant hydration, plumpness, and skin texture improvement.

Benefits of Skinboosters

Enhanced Hydration:
Our skin's ability to retain moisture diminishes as we age, leading to dryness, fine lines, and a lackluster complexion. Skinboosters replenish lost moisture, leaving your skin plump, supple, and deeply hydrated.

Improved Texture and Elasticity: 
By stimulating collagen production and enhancing the skin's natural repair process, Skinboosters help improve overall skin texture and elasticity. Say goodbye to rough patches and hello to smooth, youthful-looking skin.

Subtle, Natural Results:
One of the key advantages of Skinboosters is their ability to deliver subtle, natural-looking results. Rather than dramatically altering your appearance, Skinboosters work to enhance your skin's innate beauty, leaving you looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

Skinboosters are used to target a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, dullness, and uneven texture. Whether you're looking to refresh your complexion or address specific areas of concern, Skinboosters offers a versatile solution tailored to your needs.

What to Expect During Your Treatment At Basis

During a Skinboosters appointment, Head and Neck Surgeon Dr. Jon Dautremont, or RN Deanne Pilsner, will apply topical numbing ointment and inject the Skinbooster into the area of concern. The expert injector will choose the injection technique at the time of the treatment. Grid technique using a tiny needle to deliver Skinboosters while giving the benefits of collagen induction therapy may be used in some areas. In contrast, a canula or threading technique may also be used to treat specific areas with lines or wrinkles. Skinboosters are approved for use in the face, neck, decollete, and dorsal area of the hands. The procedure is generally well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort and downtime. At Basis, we use Restylane Skinboosters and choose from Skinbooster Vital or Vital Light, depending on which body area we treat. We recommend three treatments 2-4 weeks apart for best results, with maintenance treatments every 6 months. 

Reward Yourself, You Deserve It

From April 15th until June 30th, book a filler, Dysport, or Skinboosters treatment at Basis and receive up to a $400 rebate on a pre-paid credit card. Book your complimentary consultation today to find out more!



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